About me photo

In my late twenties, while studying journalism, I took a course on documentary filmmaking. As part of the course, we had to shoot interviews and B-roll footage on our portable analog recorders, convert and save it as digital files, and then cut and edit it into a report. 

That was when I first became familiar with cameras. As time passed, I kept up my relationship, doing freelance gigs from time to time or mostly just documenting travel, which there was a lot of. I experimented with different styles of photography: travel, street, landscape, and architecture. I used different camera bodies and tried various lenses to determine what worked best.

It’s been over a decade since then, and I still enjoy getting out there, taking a stack of shots, coming home, and going through them to pick out the good ones. This website is a journal of sorts for me to document this journey and share some of what my camera captures through it.